Trekking is synonymous with “walking” along paths, mule tracks, itineraries of various lengths that wind their way through nature, stopping off at refuges, bivouacs or inhabited centres. It is not walking as an end in itself or a sporting discipline that sets itself a goal, trekking is first and foremost knowledge of the territory it crosses, culture and research; It is an activity suitable for everyone; you can choose beautiful itineraries that are not difficult at all, even for beginners or for people who have problems dealing with large differences in height. Trekking is walking to get to know, experience and read the environment around us, learning to respect it, to live in harmony with nature, working to stimulate a new mentality, leading to a greater balance between man and nature. The Alpine Guides organise treks of varying difficulty in the Brenta Group and the Adamello-Presanella Group, offering enthusiasts a unique opportunity to get to know the “personality” of each Group and enjoy “mountain time” not regulated by the clock, but by sunrise and sunset, by the effort of walking and resting in the Refuge.
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